Section: New Results

Shape and topology optimization

Structural optimization under overhang constraints imposed by additive manufacturing technologies

G. Allaire, C. Dapogny, R. Estevez, A. Faure and G. Michailidis.

This work addresses one of the major constraints imposed by additive manufacturing processes on shape optimization problems - that of overhangs, i.e. large regions hanging over void without sufficient support from the lower structure. After revisiting the `classical' geometric criteria used in the literature, based on the angle between the structural boundary and the build direction, we propose a new mechanical constraint functional, which mimics the layer by layer construction process featured by additive manufacturing technologies, and thereby appeals to the physical origin of the difficulties caused by overhangs. This constraint, as well as some variants, are precisely defined; their shape derivatives are computed in the sense of Hadamard's method, and numerical strategies are extensively discussed, in two and three space dimensions, to efficiently deal with the appearance of overhang features in the course of shape optimization processes.

Shape optimisation with the level set method for contact problems in linearised elasticity

G. Allaire, F. Jouve and A. Maury

This work is devoted to shape optimisation of contact problems in linearised elasticity, thanks to the level set method. We circumvent the shape non-differentiability, due to the contact boundary conditions, by using penalised and regularised versions of the mechanical problem. This approach is applied to five different contact models: the frictionless model, the Tresca model, the Coulomb model, the normal compliance model and the Norton-Hoff model. We consider two types of optimisation problems in our applications: first, we minimise volume under a compliance constraint, second, we optimise the normal force, with a volume constraint, which is useful to design compliant mechanisms. To illustrate the validity of the method, 2D and 3D examples are performed, the 3D examples being computed with an industrial software.

Elasto-plastic shape optimization using the level set method

G. Allaire, F. Jouve and A. Maury

This work is concerned with shape optimization of structures made of a material obeying Hencky's laws of plasticity, with the stress bound expressed by the von Mises effective stress. The ill-posedness of the model is circumvented by using two regularized versions of the mechanical problem. The first one is the classical Perzyna formulation which is regularized, the second one is a new regularized formulation proposed for the von Mises criterion. Shape gradients are calculated thanks to the adjoint method. The optimal shape is numerically computed by using the level set method. To illustrate the validity of the method, 2D examples are performed.